Sunday, January 15, 2017

In Nomine Fate - Final Version

In Nomine Fate
A Conversion for In Nomine using Fate Core

In Nomine, an RPG created by Steve Jackson Games, is a interesting setting.  However, I feel it is hampered by subpar rules.  To correct this issue, I offer this conversion of the In Nomine setting to the Fate Core rules.

Character Creation

Step 1: Character Type
Choose whether the character is mortal or celestial.  Both character types are (theoretically) balanced with each other.  Celestials have more abilities, but mortals don't create as much disturbance and have more access to Fate points (and have an additional option for using them).

Mortals gain the following:
・    3 Refresh
・    3 Stunts - 1 Stunt can be traded for 1 Song Group or 2 Songs.  Ethereal or Celestial songs can only be bought with special GM permission.
・    Consequences - Mild, Moderate, Severe, and Extreme
・    Free Will - Recover 1 Fate Point at the end of any scene where the mortal PC spends at least 2 Fate Points.
・    Part of the Symphony - The actions of mortals do not cause disturbance in the Symphony, except when spending Stress or Fate Points to fuel a supernatural effect.
・    Intervention - Spend 2 Fate Points to call on divine (or infernal) intervention in a life-threatening situation, placing an aspect on the scene that will protect the mortal from permanent harm.

Celestials gain the following:
・    3 Refresh
・    0 Stunts (stunts may be bought with Refresh)
・    Choir/Band (see Step 1A)
・    Superior (see Step 1B)
・    Vessel - Each celestial starts with a vessel to walk the Earth.  Their ability to perform in the vessel's role on Earth is determined by the Blending skill (see below).  A vessel does not need to eat or sleep, but still needs to breathe.  Damage on the physical track (stress and consequences) stays with the vessel.  If the vessel is destroyed, the celestial is sent back to their Heart and must complete a social challenge to gain a new vessel and return to Earth.  Failure on the challenge could result in a delay in returning to Earth, or the vessel granted may be subpar in one form or another (penalties to the Blending skill, a permanent Physical consequence or negative Aspect, etc).
・    Consequences - Mild, Moderate, and Severe.  Using the Severe consequence (even for non-Physical conflicts) forces the Celestial to abandon the vessel at the end of the scene, unless the celestial is being hosted by a mortal (via the Willing Vessel or Possession extras), or has the Severe consequence removed before the scene ends.
・    Celestial Resilience - Celestials receive 1 level of Celestial Resilience (see Step 7B) for free.  In addition, they may buy other extras reflecting a physical capability above the human norm.
・    2 Songs or 1 Song Group (see Step 7A)

Step 1A: Choir/Band
If a celestial, the character must choose a choir (for angels) or band (for demons).  This becomes part of the character's High Concept, such as an Angst-Ridden Cherub of Michael.  In addition, this gives the celestial an Extra based on their choice, as well as a Dissonance condition that will cause them to accumulate Stress on their Dissonance track.

Step 1B: Superior
All celestials owe their loyalty to a Superior (Archangel or Demon Prince), and are expected to follow orders from that Superior to the letter.  In return, they begin play with a Choir Attunement - a type of extra that can only be gained in service to that particular Superior.  For Fate Core: In Nomine, it is recommended that the player create an Extra based on the Superior attunement listed for the character's Choir/Band.  For example, an Ofanim of Michael always goes first in combat.  This could be reflected as a 1 point extra that always lets the character go first in a combat exchange.  Whatever is agreed on should be used for all celestials with the same attunement - if one Ofanim of Michael has this extra, all other Ofanim of Michael should have the same extra.  If an attunement is particularly powerful, the gamemaster may ask for Refresh to be spent on the ability.

Occasionally, a character will be loaned out to another Superior - this most often occurs with angels serving Eli.  In this case, the celestial gains the Choir Attunement for their original superior, but will have the option to earn the Choir Attunement for their new Superior during play.  Celestials can also earn attunements of the other Choirs for their Superior, unless those attunements are restricted.

Finally, Celestials serving a Superior gain the Superior's Dissonance condition.

Step 2:  Core Aspects
Pick the character's High Concept and Trouble, as per the normal Fate Core rules.  Celestials must include both their Choir/Band and their Superior in the High Concept.  "Angst-Ridden Cherub of Michael" is a good example of a High Concept incorporating the character's Choir and Superior.

Step 3: Name
Players of mortal characters simply need to choose a name, while the player of a celestial will need to decide on both their celestial name and what their current vessel is called in mortal society.

Step 4: Phase One

Describe your first adventure, and write down an aspect related to it.

Step 5: Phase Two and Three
Describe how you've crossed paths with two other characters, and write down one aspect related to each of those two encounters.

Step 6:  Skills

Pick and rate your skills.  In Nomine uses the base Fate Core skills, plus one additional meta-skill - Blending.  Characters have 25 skill points.  The default layout for skills is 1 Great (+4), 3 Good (+3), 4 Fair (+2), and 4 Average (+1), but any legal skill column is allowed.  Celestials (only) have access to the Blending meta-skill, which they must purchase at a minimum of +1.

Step 7:  Stunts and Extras
Pick and/or invent your starting Stunts, and spend Refresh (if desired) to buy Extras appropriate to your character type.  Songs and Attributes are two types of Extras available to characters.

Step 7A: Songs
Celestials begin play with two individual songs or one song group of their choice.  Mortals normally start play without songs, but both mortals and celestials may spend Stunts or Refresh to buy them (1 per song group or 2 individual songs from separate groups).  Unlike the base In Nomine book, learning a song group gives the character all the variations of the same song (Corporeal, Ethereal, and Celestial).  A few song groups (Possession and Thunder) are limited to a single song, and can only be bought as a group.

Step 7B:  Attributes
Celestials often have capabilities beyond normal human limits.  They may spend Refresh to buy one or more special extras called attributes, which are part of the character regardless of whether or not they occupy a vessel.  Each attribute can be bought at multiple levels.  The three attributes available at character creation are Celestial Resilience (granted for free at level 1 to all celestials), Celestial Speed, and Celestial Strength.

Step 8: Refresh
Determine how many Fate points you start play with.  This starts at three, but up to two points can be spent on stunts or extras, which could have a character starting with as little as one fate point.  It is recommended that mortals have at least two Refresh.

Step 9: Stress and Consequences
Record your stress tracks and consequence levels.  There are four different stress tracks in Fate Core: In Nomine.  Each characters starts with two stress boxes in each category.  The skill related to that track grants additional boxes as normal - one extra for Average (+1) or Fair (+2), or two extra for Good (+3) or higher.  At Superb (+5), and for every two points afterwards, the character also gains an additional mild consequence slot (restricted to harm for that stress track).

Corporeal (Physical) Track - Tracks physical stress, based on Physique.

Ethereal (Mental) Track - Tracks mental stress, based on Will.

Essence Track - Tracks stress from celestial powers, based on Empathy.  Unlike the standard tracks, stress taken does not clear at the end of a combat.  Characters can remove a single stress box every day - at dawn for angels and mortals, or at dusk for demons.  Performing a Superior's rite is another way to remove a single stress box.  Finally, a character can spend a Fate point and skip a scene to clear the entire stress track.  In addition to fueling powers, an Essence stress box can be marked off to give a +1 to a single roll, after the roll is made.  Mortals often do this unconsciously in stressful situations.

Dissonance Track (Celestials only) - Tracks stress from dissonance, based on Deceit.  Unlike the standard tracks, stress taken does not clear at the end of a conflict.  The character can remove a single stress box from the Dissonance track by spending time maintaining a Tether (pg 59 IM), spending a Fate Point at the beginning of an adventure (signifying some major act done between adventures to reaffirm the character's ties to Heaven/Hell), or wiping the entire track free in exchange for gaining a Discord aspect, which can be invoked against the character when using celestial powers (but cannot be used against Celestial damage).  The Discord aspect can only be removed by an Archangel, Demon Prince, or similar major power.

The Ultimate Consequence -
 If an angelic character takes consequences via the Dissonance track, they become Outcast, losing access to their Superior's Rites and rituals, and cannot ascend to Heaven.  This clears the stress boxes on the Dissonance track, though that is small comfort to the angel. If the angel is Taken Out via the Dissonance track, the Dissonance is cleared and the angel Falls, becoming a demon of the corresponding Band.  Demons have a similar progression, becoming Outcast if they take consequences or are Taken Out via the Dissonance track.  However, being Taken Out does not cause them to be Redeemed - that is a much harder road.


If an angel, the character must choose a choir (for angels) or band (for demons).  This becomes part of the character's High Concept, such as an Angst-Ridden Cherub of Michael.  In addition, this gives the celestial an Extra based on their choice, as well as a Dissonance condition that will cause them to accumulate Stress on their Dissonance track.

・    Extra: Arbiter of Truth – Seraphs can find the truth in any statement. They can utilize either Empathy or Notice to defend against Deceive or otherwise detect lies in any form of communication, with a +2 on their roll. If the Seraph succeeds with style and gets at least Fantastic (+6) on the roll, not only do they uncover any lie made by the speaker, but they learn the actual Truth...even if the speaker does not know what it is!  In addition, their Essence track is based on the higher of their Empathy or Notice.
・    Dissonance – Seraphs gain dissonance for lying. Even the most simple lie will cause a minimum of 1 Stress.

・    Extra: Divine Guardian – The Cherub can attune to a charge with a touch. Once that occurs, they always know the exact location (if on the corporeal plane) and condition of that charge. With a successful Empathy roll, they can detect imminent danger to their charge. If they succeed with style, they know about the danger well before it appears.  When attuned to a charge, the Cherub gains an extra box on their physical and mental stress tracks (this can go past the normal limit of four).
・    Dissonance – Cherubs gain dissonance when their charge is damaged in any way, though the stress from that damage can disappear if the Cherub acts quickly to fix it.

・    Extra: Messenger of Heaven – An Ofanite has exceptional movement capabilities, gaining 1 level of Celestial Speed for free.  In addition, the character instinctively bypasses obstacles and finds the fastest path to any destination, gaining a +1 to all Overcome rolls based on movement or location.  Finally, if the Ofanite successes with style on any movement-based check, the character gains an additional boost, story detail, or similar benefit
・    Dissonance – Ofanites are compelled to move, constantly acting and going forward. They gain dissonance whenever they are imprisoned, bound, or otherwise unable to move...even if it is of their own choice. For example, if a person is held hostage and the Ofanite is told to stand still or the hostage will be killed, the conscious choice to stand still and not act will inflict dissonance.

・    Extra: Observer of Emotion – Elohites have an innate understanding of the human (and celestial) condition. They may use either Empathy or Investigate to read a person's emotional state and get a sense of who they are, even without interpersonal contact. If they are interacting with the person, they gain a +2 on their roll. If the Elohite succeeds with style and gets at least Fantastic (+6) on the roll, they may ask the gamemaster how the person would respond at that moment to any one action.  This creates a temporary aspect ("I Know What You're Going To Do") with a free invocation for the Elohite.
・    Dissonance – Elohites must remain objective, and not be overwhelmed by emotion. Whenever they act due to subjective reasons, they gain dissonance.

・    Extra: Judge of Purity – Malakites can sense purity - how selfless or selfish a person is. They automatically learn the most noble and most ignoble act that the person has done recently (a week or so). They may also make a Notice or Investigation check against the target's Will. A success tells the Malakim the person's greatest virtue and worst sin, while a success with style can reveal the person's potential for divinity or malevolence. The latter does not automatically reveal demons (except for Balseraphs), but can be a strong indicator.  In addition, their unwavering determination gives them an extra stress box on every stress track (except Essence).  These extra boxes can surpass the normal limit of four.
・    Dissonance – Malakim gain dissonance for violating their code of honor. All Malakim have two sworn oaths - “cannot choose to suffer an evil to live” and “never surrender”. In addition, they must swear two additional oaths (which are often stated or implied in their Aspects). Violating any of these oaths causes dissonance. It should be noted that “never suffer an evil to live” does not mean killing demons on sight – see the In Nomine Angelic Player's Guide (page 49) for more details on Malakim oaths. Unlike other angels, Malakim cannot Fall from Dissonance, but being Taken Out usually means the character is hunted down and killed by others of his choir.

・    Extra: Shepherd of the Multitude – Kyriotates automatically gain the Possession and Dual Vessels Extras, but do not have a vessel by default – they must use Possession or take the Extra: Willing Vessel to act in the corporeal realm.  Kyriotates and Shedim are the only celestials that gain access to Possession, and Kyriotates are the only celestials that have access to Dual Vessel. Individuals possessed by a Kyriotate do not remember anything that occurs during that time, and the Kyriotate does not have access to the subject's memories.  The character can use the Blending skill to mimic a skill possessed by the target (as normal for a vessel), but the Kyriotate only chooses one skill regardless of the number of vessels occupied.  The Understanding of Humanity stunt (see Step 7) is popular among Kyriotates for this reason.
・    Dissonance – Kyriotates take a minimum of 1 Stress for leaving a vessel in worse condition (physically or mentally) than when they entered it. The death of a vessel is extremely traumatic, causing 4 Stress on their Dissonance track for human vessels, or 2 Stress for animal vessels.

・    Extra: Friend of Humanity – Mercurians have an instinctive understanding of relationships and social hierarchy. They gain a +1 on all rolls dealing with social interaction, including most uses of Contacts, Deceive, Empathy, Provoke, and Rapport. If the Mercurian succeeds with style and gets at least Supurb (+5) on an Empathy roll, they learn the name most people call that person, geographic and cultural origins, items of interest (job, hobbies, etc), and the primary relationships in that person's life.
・    Dissonance – Mercurians gain Dissonance for being violent towards humans.

・    Extra: The Serpent's Tongue – Balseraphs can construct lies that are so convincing that they can only be disproved by hard reality. They gain +2 on all Deceit rolls. In addition, if they succeed with style and get at least a Fantastic (+6) result, nothing short of hard evidence will convince the target that the statement is a lie.
・    Dissonance – If the Balseraph is caught in a lie, they gain dissonance. However, they can only gain 1 Stress from each person that catches them in a lie (until that point of Stress is removed from their Dissonance track). Being caught in a lie by several people at once can quickly inflict consequences, though a single lie is limited to a maximum of 8 stress, regardless of the number of people involved.

・    Extra: Infernal Stalker – The Djinn can attune to a charge with a touch – which can be a person, an object, or even a place. Once that occurs, they always know the exact location (if on the corporeal plane) and condition of that charge. With a successful Empathy roll, they can detect imminent danger to their charge. If they succeed with style, they know about the danger well before it appears.  When attuned to a charge, the Djinn gains an additional physical and mental stress box (this can go past the normal limit of four).
・    Dissonance – Djinn gain dissonance when they damage their charge in any way...unless their charge willingly consented to the damage. In addition, their band Aspect can be compelled to form an unnatural fixation on a charge. If the Djinn accepts the compel, their dissonance condition changes to match that of a Cherub (which can cause the Djinn great difficulty). The Djinn then cannot change the charge during the rest of the adventure unless a Fate point is spent.

・    Extra: Destructive Nature – The destructive energies of a Calabite act as a Weapon: 1 attack that can reach into an adjacent zone, or Weapon: 2 with touch. In addition, they gain a +2 to overcome obstacles via destructive means. However, one of their Aspects must reflect their discordant nature – see the In Nomine core rulebook for examples of Discord.
・    Dissonance – Failure to inflict stress or consequences with their destructive energies or failing to overcome an obstacle via destructive means causes dissonance. If this occurs, the Calabite has three options. They can either take 1 Stress on their Dissonance track, take 1 Stress on their Physical track, or gain the Aspect “Destroy something!”, which compels them to lash out at other targets until they deal damage.

・    Extra: Infernal Punisher – Habbalites have an innate understanding of emotion similar to the Elohim, which gives them a +2 on Empathy rolls when interacting with a target. In addition, they can use a maneuver to place emotions on a target up to one zone away with +2 to the roll (using Intimidation for Fear and Disgust, or Deceit for Sadness, Love, or Emptiness.  However, if the target successfully resists, the Habbalite will suffer the effects or take Dissonance.
・    Dissonance – If the Incite Emotion power fails and the Habbalah doesn't wish to suffer the effects, they must take a point of Stress on their Dissonance track.

・    Extra: Geas – Lilim can create an Aspect on a target by performing a service for them. This aspect is a geas to assist the Lilim in the future, usually worded as “I Owe Her A Favor”. If the target agrees to the service, no roll is required. Otherwise, the Lilim must roll Rapport versus the target's Will to create the aspect, and this can be modified by the amount of service the Lilim has given the target. Once created, the Lilim gets a free invoke on the Aspect to compel the target. In addition, the Lilim can use this power on herself, which can be compelled by another to force her to honor a pledge (and this compel cannot be resisted).
・    Dissonance – If an involuntary geas is resisted by the target, the Lilim gains dissonance.

・    Extra: Corrupting Spirit – Shedim automatically gain the Possession Extra, but it only applies to humans. Kyriotates and Shedim are the only celestials that gain access to Possession. In addition, unlike a Kyriotate's possession, the target is still aware, though they are likely to dismiss the actions taken as a dream or symptom of mental illness. This gives the Shedim the Understanding of Humanity Extra, allowing them to duplicate two of the subject's skills instead of one.  Shedim must be very careful when acting inside a possessed individual, as they may compromise the person's achievement of their Fate, rendering it invalid and likely drawing the wrath of their Superior and/or Kronos.
・    Dissonance – Every day, the Shedim must further corrupt the host, influencing the mortal to commit a selfish or evil act. This is done with social skills – the Shedim cannot meet this condition by forcing the target to act. These acts must be progressively worse each day. Also, if a possessed vessel dies, the Shedim automatically takes 4 Stress on the Dissonance Track.

・    Extra: Soul Siphon – Impudites are very dangerous, as they can steal Essence from mortals. They begin by establishing a connection to their target via Rapport, and gain +2 on all Rapport checks. If they succeed with style and gain at least a Fantastic (+6) on their roll, they can steal a point of Essence from their target. This marks off a point of Essence on the target's Essence track, and gives the Impudite an extra Essence stress box.  The Impudite can only hold a number of stolen Essence boxes equal to their starting Refresh, and the stress box disappears when used.
・    Dissonance – Like Mercurians, Impudites gain Dissonance for being violent towards humans.

All celestials owe their loyalty to a Superior (Archangel or Demon Prince), and are expected to follow orders from that Superior to the letter.  In return, they begin play with an Attunement - a type of extra that can only be gained in service to that particular Superior.  For Fate Core: In Nomine, it is recommended that the player create an Extra based on the Superior attunement listed for the character's Choir/Band.  For example, an Ofanim of Michael always goes first in combat.  This could be reflected as a 1 point extra that always lets the character go first in a combat exchange.  Whatever is agreed on should be used for all celestials with the same attunment - if one Ofanim of Michael has this extra, all other Ofanim of Michael should have the same extra.

Celestials in service to a Superior must include the Superior in their High Concept.  "Angst-Ridden Cherub of Michael" is a good example of a High Concept incorporating the Superior (and the character's Choir).

Finally, Celestials serving a Superior gain the Superior's Dissonance condition, as listed below:
・    Blandine – Assuming Celestial form on Earth, or failing to warn a dreamer they have been charged with guarding when they are aware of danger.
・    David – Being provoked into attacking first, or using ranged weapons
・    Dominic – Inflicting a punishment greater than the crime, standing by while the innocent are punished unfairly, overlooking what they feel is heresy in an angel.
・    Eli – Nothing. Have fun! Even if in service to another Archangel, servitors of Eli do not acquire that Archangel's dissonance condition.  However, Eli has burned many bridges with his fellow Archangels, and servitors of Eli are often met with distrust (especially by servitors of Dominic)...
・    Gabriel – Failing to punish a wicked individual within a number of days equal to the angel's Refresh.
・    Janus – Staying in the same locale (the size of a town or a city neighborhood) more than three days.
・    Jean – Let a technological secret or celestial technological device fall into the hands of a mortal without Jean's approval, letting a infernal technological innovation go unopposed.
・    Jordi – Valuing human life above animal life.
・    Laurence – Disobeying either the word or the spirit of Lawrence's orders.
・    Marc – Breaking your word when you have given it freely.
・    Michael – Retreating from combat without a direct order.
・    Novalis – Committing violence that is not absolutely necessary, and killing any human (no matter the reason).
・    Yves – Taking any action that moves a person towards their Fate.
・    Andrealphus – Feel actual sympathy towards a human.
・    Asmodeus – Disobeying Asmodeus' direct orders, or helping a renegade escape judgment.
・    Baal – Retreating from combat without a direct order.
・    Beleth – Assuming Celestial form on Earth.
・    Belial – Being burned by a fire you created (literally or metaphorically).
・    Haagenti – Failure to force a human to Consume within a number of days equal to the demon's Refresh. Note – Consume is the attunement all Haagenti servitors receive, and is a specialized form of Emotion Control that compels the target to wastefully consume the object of their desire.
・    Kobal – Failure to worsen someone's misfortune every day via laughter.
・    Kronos – Knowingly helping a human achieve their destiny or preventing a human from meeting their fate.
・    Malphas – Failure to create division between two people every day.
・    Nybbas – Failure to spend at least one hour per day contributing to the growth of the world's media.
・    Saminga – Encouraging life.
・    Valefor – Staying in the same locale (the size of a town or a city neighborhood) more than three days.
・    Vapula – Allowing an infernal technological artifact granted by Vapula (including the one granted by the demon's Band attunement) to fall into angelic or mortal hands.

For more details on Dissonance conditions, refer to the In Nomine core rulebook.

The available skills for In Nomine: Fate Core are listed below:
・    Athletics
・    Blending (special) - See below
・    Burglary
・    Contacts
・    Crafts
・    Deceive - Determines Dissonance stress track
・    Drive
・    Empathy - Determines Essence stress track
・    Fight
・    Investigate
・    Lore
・    Notice
・    Physique - Determines Physical stress track
・    Provoke
・    Rapport
・    Resources
・    Shoot
・    Stealth
・    Will - Determines Mental stress track

Blending (Meta-Skill)
Celestials gain access to a meta-skill called Blending, which is purchased as part of the character's skill tree (and must be purchased at a minimum of +1). This is the character's ability to blend into an assigned role.  The character can substitute the Blending meta-skill for one skill (chosen when the vessel is created) that is relevant to the character's role in mortal society. For example, a vessel that has a background as a race-car driver could use the Blending skill to substitute for Drive.  See the Stunts and Extra section (Step 7) for Blending stunts.

Kyriotates are a special case.  When possessing a mortal creature (human or animal), their Blending automatically duplicates the highest skill possessed by the creature.  Skills the Kyriotate already has at that level or higher are not counted for this purpose.  This cannot exceed the level of Blending possessed by the character, and can be lower if the creature's skill is lower than the Kyriotate's Blending.  Each vessel possessed is treated separately for purposes of Blending, but the Kyriotate cannot use the skill for a different vessel.

Stunts and Extras
Blending Stunts
・    Understanding of Humanity - The Blending skill can now duplicate two skills instead of one. The second skill is one rank lower than the first. For example, a vessel with a background as a Private Investigator for a character who has Blending (+3) could duplicate Investigate (+3) and Notice (+2). This stunt can be bought more than once, giving an additional skill each time...but each skill is a point lower than the previous one.  Note that if a Kyriotate has a higher level of Blending than the mortal's skill, the reduction is based on the Kyriotate's level of Blending.  Thus, a Kyriotate with Blending +3 possessing mortals with skills of Investigate (+2) and Notice (+2) would get both skills at their maximum level.  If the skills were at +3, the Kyriotate would get one at +3 and the other at +2, as normal.
・    Split Attention - If the character has the Extra: Spare Vessel, they may draw upon that vessel's background to choose skills for Blending, even if they aren't currently occupying that vessel.  Kyriotates may utilize the Blending skill granted by one vessel in any or all of their other vessels, though they take a -1 penalty to that skill when doing so.

Celestial Extras
・    Extra: Spare Vessel – The celestial has a spare vessel ready for use. Once per adventure, the character can return from their point of origin (Heaven or Hell) without going through a challenge. This is fairly quick, allowing the character to be back on Earth in the next Scene.
・    Extra: Willing Vessel – A mortal has willingly offered to host the celestial. This is a body that already has a soul. This allows the character to take a Serious consequence without making the vessel unviable. In combination with Extra: Spare Vessel, the character can keep the vessel involved with mortal life while they are in a different vessel. However, the character is expected to treat the vessel well, as it is one of the faithful that is loyal to their side of the Struggle. When the celestial is not occuping this vessel, assume the mortal has skill equal to the celestial's Blending skill for their primary skill (the one chosen for their background), and the celestial's Blending skill minus one for all other skills.
・    Extra: Possession (Kyriotates and Shedim only) – The character can possess an unwilling target to use as a vessel via a Will versus Will conflict.  A failed roll makes the target immune to Possession for the rest of the scene.  Once the target is possessed, they can only escape by invoking an aspect and spending a fate point, or by the celestial's departure (by choice or being forced out).  Physical stress accumulated while in a target stays with the target when the celestial departs.
・    Extra: Dual Vessel (Kyriotates only) – The character can occupy two vessels at once, no matter the distance between them. Both vessels can be active at once, but the Kyriotate takes a -1 on all skill rolls for each creature after the first involved in a challenge, contest, or conflict.  This Extra can be taken more than once, adding an extra vessel each time.  Animals are easier for Kyriotates to occupy than humans, and only count as half a vessel for purposes of how many total vessels the Kyriotate can occupy.

Celestial Resilience
・    All celestials start with 1 level of Celestial Resilience
・    The celestial gains Armor equal to the level of Celestial Resilience on any defense roll against physical attacks.
・    Some special weapons can bypass the protection of Celestial Resilience

Celestial Speed
・    Each level gives +2 to your Notice to determine turn order (pg 158 FC).
・    Odd - Each odd level allows you to move one additional zone in addition to your action for the exchange, and +1 with any overcome action reliant on speed.
・    Even - Each even level gives +1 on all defense rolls with Athletics.

Celestial Strength
・    Each level grants +1 on most "raw strength" applications of Physique, and adds +1 to the Weapon value of Fight attacks.

Each song is activated with a skill roll, based on the song being used.  Activating a song costs 1 Essence (mark off any box on the Essence track), though the character can instead take a consequence or spend a Fate Point to fuel the song (which may give greater effects).  Unless otherwise stated, each use of a song is a separate activation.  However, the effects of a song usually last for the rest of the scene, or until the effect is successful overcome.

Attraction (Empathy)
・    Corporeal - Attune two objects so they are drawn to each other.
・    Ethereal - Place the aspect "attracted to [person or object]" on a target, which is resisted by Will.
・    Celestial - Mimic the resonance of the Cherubim and Djinn, attuning to a target for a scene.  This never causes the performance to generate dissonance.

Dreams (Deceive)
・    Corporeal - Enter the Marches through the mind of a human dreamer.
・    Ethereal - Grant scene aspect to assist a dreamer.
・    Celestial - Alter occurrences in a dreamscape to change the outcome.

Entropy (Provoke)
・    Corporeal - Alter the age of a target by up to 5 years, or 10 years if the character succeeds with style.  The target can choose to resist with a Physique roll.  The song's effects are permanent, but each use is a separate activation
・    Ethereal - This song is a Weapon: 2 attack versus the mental stress track.  One use per activation.
・    Celestial - This song causes a mental breakdown, functioning as a Block versus all actions that must be Overcome with Will.

Form (Craft)
・    Corporeal - The character can alter the skin of his vessel, granting Armor: 1 for the scene, or Armor: 2 if he succeeds with style.  This is in addition to the Armor from Celestial Resilience.
・    Ethereal - The character can turn his corporeal form into shadow matter, providing near-invisibility.  Detecting the character requires observers to contest the song with a Notice roll.
・    Celestial - The character can make permanent changes to a vessel's appearance, gender, age, and/or mass.

Harmony (Rapport)
・    Corporeal - All within range (including the performer) must take an Overcome action with Physique to perform significant physical actions (running, combat, etc)
・    Ethereal - All within range become subdued and rational, and must take an Overcome action with Will to perform violent acts.
・    Celestial - One or more targets in contact with the performer has the effects of Discord negated for a scene.

Healing (Empathy)
・    Corporeal - The character can remove physical stress on the target.  The amount of stress removed is based on the level of stress box used to fuel this power - marking off box 4 on the character's Essence Track will remove boxes 1-4 on the target's Physical Track.  If the roll succeeds with style, increase the number of boxes removed by 2.  If a consequence or Fate Point is used to fuel this power, one consequence on the target is reduced by one level (Severe --> Moderate --> Mild --> nothing).  This power can be used on the performer.
・    Ethereal - As Corporeal Healing, but applies to mental stress.
・    Celestial - As Corporeal Healing, but applies to celestial damage against Aspects of the character.  The character must have their highest Essence stress box or a Fate point available to heal a normal Aspect.  High Concept and Trouble can only be healed with a Fate point.

Light (Notice)
・    Corporeal - Creates a glowing light around the character.
・    Ethereal - Create visual illusions in a zone (opposed with Notice).
・    Celestial - Create a single beam of light that functions as a Weapon: 2 physical attack.  If the attack succeeds with style, the target also gains the temporary aspect "Dazzled".  Targets in celestial form take celestial damag instead, but cannot be dazzled.

Motion (Athletics)
・    Corporeal - The character can fly and automatically overcome certain obstacles.  This has the potential to create large amounts of disturbance
・    Ethereal - The character can mentally control the movement of small objects.  Succeeding with style allows medium-sized objects to be manipulated.  Throwing objects at targets requires a Shoot roll, and functions as a Weapon:1 (if small) or Weapon: 2 (if medium).  Objects held by others can resist the effects with Physique
・    Celestial - The character can teleport himself anywhere in the scene, or spend a Fate Point to either bring a passenger or teleport anywhere within several miles of the current location.

Numinous Corpus (special) - The character can enhance the vessel's ability to defend itself.  Choosing two Numinous Corpus counts as a single song choice (or the character can choose one Numinous Corpus and one version of another song if the gamemaster allows).  However, the song automatically works and lasts for the entire scene - the Fate dice are only rolled to determine an Intervention.
・    Acid - The character can spit acid, counting as a Weapon: 1 attack that can reach to an adjacent zone.  A character can cancel the song to make a single Weapon: 2 attack.
・    Claws/Fangs/Horns/Feet - The character grows claws, fangs, horns, and/or hooved feet, counting as a Weapon: 2 attack.  Some uses of this song may allow for surprise attacks or special maneuvers.
・    Tail - The character grows a tail, counting as either a Weapon: 2 attack or a Weapon: 1 attack that can reach to an adjacent zone.  The character must choose which type of tail is grown when the song is activated.
・    Tongue - The character creates a tongue that can count as a Weapon: 1 attack, or enable the character to damage the mental stress track instead of the physical stress track on a successful hit.
・    Wings - The character grows wings, allowing the character to fly and automatically overcome certain obstacles.  This has the potential to create large amounts of disturbance if many mortals witness the character's flight.

Possession (Will) - This song (which counts as a song group) grants a single use of the Possession extra.  If successful, the character's current body or vessel goes inert, and the character's consciousness possesses the target.  This lasts for a single scene, but the character can take additional Celestial stress to continue the possession through multiple scenes.  While possessing a target, the character is affected normally by mental or social stress and consequences.  When the character stops possessing the target, any physical stress gained during the possession is inflicted on the character as mental stress.  If the target is killed, the character also gains a Minor consequence.

Shields (Stealth)
・    Corporeal - Create a physical barrier around the character that blocks physical attacks.
・    Ethereal - Create a green field of energy around the character that blocks celestial attunements, resonances, and non-physical attacks.
・    Celestial -  Enhance a previously-existing environmental condition (smoke, darkness, etc) in an area to create a barrier to observation.  This barrier also holds in disturbances to the Symphony, delaying them until the end of the scene.  By default, the barrier covers a single zone.  A Fate point can be spent to cover all adjacent zones as well.

Thunder (Lore) - This song (which counts as a song group) is an attack against all other individuals in the same zone, resisted by Will.  Failure restraints the target with the Stunned aspect, which will require an Overcome roll to remove.  If the character spends a Fate Point to activate this power, all adjacent zones are also affected.  When this power is used, the level of any disturbance is reduced by the result of this power's skill check.

Tongues (Lore)
・    Corporeal - Communicate in all human languages (spoken and written).
・    Ethereal - Mentally communicate with anyone in the same or adjacent zones.
・    Celestial - Send a brief message (up to 15 words) to anyone the character has met.  Cherubim and Djinn may use this song on anyone they are attuned to without spending Stress.

The Celestial Realm

Celestial Manifestation
Characters may choose to manifest their celestial form while on Earth, by marking off their second or higher box on the Essence track (the first box can't be used for this purpose).  Remaining in Celestial form forces the character back to Heaven at the end of the scene.

Kyriotates treat this as occupying a vessel, which may require them to abandon one of their existing vessels to do so.  A Kyriotate or Shedim that manifests in celestial form stuns any mortal that views the celestial (requiring an Overcome action against the celestial's Will).

Celestial Combat

Celestial combat is very dangerous in In Nomine Fate.  Instead of attacking a stress track, damage is taken directly against the character's Aspects!  Each aspect counts as a stress box for this purpose, and a damaged Aspect cannot be used for invoking or gaining Fate points.  Normal aspects are damaged first, then the character's Trouble, and finally the High Concept.  If the High Concept is damaged, the character is in danger of permanent death or becoming a remnant.  Recovering a damaged aspect can only be done between adventures, and requires the expenditure of a Fate point that won't be available at the start of the new adventure.  A Superior also has the option of restoring damaged aspects, though this is not done lightly.

Running the Game

Dice and Interventions
In Nomine Fate uses 5dF for all rolls.  Results of -4 to +4 are treated as normal.  However, any roll of +5 (+++++) is an angelic intervention, and -5 (-----) is a demonic intervention.  Interventions ignore the result of the roll, as the Holy Spirit or Lucifer have chosen to intervene in some fashion.  Guidelines for interventions can be found in the In Nomine core rules (pg 40).

Frankenstein's Cables

This is a (long-delayed) summary of the first In Nomine Fate adventure I ran.  We ended up with four players:
  • Ruth, playing Andromeda (aka Andy Carpenter), Malakim of Creation
  • Kathy, playing Shephi (aka Sharon), Elohim of Judgment
  • Gary, playing Shem-Bezek (aka Shen), Cherubim of Lightning
  • Mike, playing Canaan (aka Cade), Ofanim of Trade (in service to Lightning)
You can see the character writeups in the previous post

Andromeda is the last angel created by Eli before he left Heaven to wander the corporeal realm.  Eli did not assign her to a different Superior, and she chose not to seek another out.  For the past half-century, she's been on Earth helping out Chomer (aka Clay), Mercurean of Creation, the Seneschal of Red Rocks.  In addition, although she has chosen not to formally serve another Superior, Yves has assisted her by placing her Heart in his Library, and she has taken on tasks for him from time to time.  Dominic's servants watched her closely for several years, but Andromeda hasn't been contacted by Eli, and she seems to be in no danger of becoming Dissonant.  After all, no Malakim has ever Fallen, and she has never strayed from her oaths.

Shephi is stationed in the Denver area, and one of her assignments is to watch over Andromeda now that Dominic's triad has left.  She has a working relationship with Andromeda, and the two help each other out with their respective assignments on occasion.  Shephi is friendly and easy-going (for an Elohim), though Andromeda is still wary of her.

Shem-Bezek was last on Earth when steam engines were cutting-edge technology.  His last assignment went poorly, as the Mercurian of Lightning he was working with Fell and then took service with Vapula, the Demon Prince of Technology.  The last thing he remembers from his time on Earth is seeing the new Impudite grin at him.  That's when the steam engine exploded...  Shem was in Trauma for a long time, and when he finally recovered he was assigned to various projects in Heaven.  However, after a squad of Malakim uncovered and took down a group of Vapulans in the area, Jean assigned Shem the task of finding out why the Vapulans were there, and to keep an eye out for any infernal technology.

Canaan has been in the Denver area for several years.  Accordingly, when Jean needed someone local to assist an angel who had not visited Earth in over a century, Marc made a deal to temporarily put Canaan in Jean's service.  Jean told him that Shem would arrive on the corporeal plane via the closest major Tether - Red Rocks.  Canaan has worked with Shephi in the past, and contacted her about his new assignment.

The session began with Shem-Bezek arriving at the Tether in a brand-new vessel.  Canaan arrived to pick Shem up, and then the pair went to Colorado Mills mall to meet with Shephi.  Once they arrived, Canaan contacted Andromeda (Andy) about assistance with Shem's assignment, and went to get her while Shephi chatted with Shem about Earth in the modern era.  After returning with Andy, the group headed to where the Vapulans were last spotted, a few blocks away from the University of Boulder.

Searching the area turned up little, as the Malakim squad apparently did an excellent job of cleaning up after themselves.  However, as the group continued to look around, they noticed a large disturbance in the Symphony - the equivalent of a pair of humans dying at celestial hands, or the manifestation of a Superior.  The group rushed to the area in Cade's ambulance (with lights flashing).  The disturbance led to an area that had an alley next to a bar, and people came out of the bar wondering why the ambulance was there.  Cade and Shem checked out the bar, saying they had received a call about a heart attack.  Shephi and Andy went to the alley, and found a body in the dumpster.  

Around this time, Shephi noticed a little girl wandering away from a school field trip, heading directly towards the alley.  She went up to talk to the girl, only to have the girl say "Hello" and step past her.  The girl walked right up to Andy and addressed her as Andromeda, which began a short conversation that the others soon joined.  It was soon apparent that the girl's body was possessed by an (apparently friendly) celestial, who had a message from Eli to investigate a small group of demons who had stolen an artifact called Frankenstein's Cables from the Vapulans.  Apparently, the cables could be used to reanimate the dead.  Supposedly, the demons were working with a mortal living at a nearby apartment complex. Afterwards, before the celestial could be questioned further, she teleported away (via the Celestial Song of Motion).  The group theorized the celestial was probably a Kyriotate, but should follow up on the story to see if it was true.

Investigation uncovered that the mortal was Shelby Simmons, a veterinarian who had lost her license due to unethical practices.  The group headed to the apartment to search for more information.   Once the group arrived at the apartment complex, they found a man there, who claimed to be Shelby's boyfriend, Moe.  Andromeda's resonance indicated the man's most dishonorable action was murder, and the ensuing fight revealed Moe to be a Calabim of Death.  Moe attempted to kill Andromeda, and when that failed he tried to escape, but the group took him down.  

Right after the fight finished, the group was approached by a man who revealed himself to be the former Mercurian of Lightning that Shem was working with that Fell and betrayed him.  The Impudite, Chazabor (aka "Chaz") was possessing a mortal, and made sure to warn Shem of this fact so his "pet Malakim" wouldn't attack.  Chaz explained that the demons they were searching for were working on behalf of Saminga, Prince of Death, and had stolen the Frankenstein Cables from the Vapulans.  The demons were planning to create zombie animals with the help of the veterinarian, as the cables would only work in mortal hands.  Chaz offered his assistance finding the demons, though the group immediately suspected his true motives - to recover the cables while the angels were fighting with the other demons. 

Long story short, the group eventually combined Chaz's information with their own investigation to find the demons in a lab at the University of Boulder...during a thunderstorm, of course.  A fight ensued between the angels and some new foes:

  • Acknar ("Zack") - Balseraph of Death
  • Hateriel ("Kate") - Habbalah of Dark Humor (her vessel looks like Janeane Garafolo)
  • Several zombie animals
As expected, while the fight occurred, Chaz (still possessing a mortal with the Song of Possession) snuck in and tried to steal the cables, but was thwarted by the group.  In the end, the demons (except Chaz) were vessel-killed, and the cables were recovered and given to Jean.

Monday, June 8, 2015


We played our first game on Saturday.  Below are the sheets for the characters we used - I will update this post once I have a copy of Andromeda's character sheet.

Shephi, Elohim of Judgment (aka Sharon Smith)

High Concept: Elohim of Judgment
Trouble: Grey is my least favorite color
Not every lesson comes from a book
A spoonful of sugar
____________________ (To Be Determined)

Use Empathy or Investigate to read a person's emotional state, gain an aspect ("I know what you're going to do") if you succeed with style

Choir Attunement
Elohim of Judgment - Can see guilt on a person's face

Dissonance Conditions
Elohim - Cannot act on subjective reasons or be overcome with emotion.  
Judgment - Cannot inflict a punishment that is greater than the crime, cannot stand by while the innocent are being punished unfairly, cannot overlook what I believe is heresy in an angel.

Great (+4): Investigate
Good (+3): Deceive, Rapport, Will
Fair (+2): Athletics, Empathy, Shoot, Stealth
Average (+1): Blending, Contacts, Fight, Notice

Celestial Resilience 1 - add 1 Armor on defense roll versus corporeal attacks
Ethereal Song of Harmony (uses Rapport) - negates violent action
Ethereal Song of Tongues (uses Lore) - communicate mentally

Prop Pistol - This fake gun was used in many classic spy movies.  While completely nonfunctional (and plastic), it looks real.  By spending a point of Essence to activate it for a scene, it becomes a Weapon:1 that attacks the Mental stress track, using Deceive instead of Shoot, opposed by the higher of Shoot or Will.  The damage feels physical, but if the target figures out it is fake, they get a +2 on their Defense roll against future attacks.  In situations where enemies may know about the Prop Pistol, you carry a real pistol that looks identical (Weapon:1, uses Shoot).

Refresh: 2
Current Role:  Private Investigator (Blending skill is Resources)
Stress:  Physical (OO), Mental (OOOO), Essence (OOO), Dissonance (OOOO)

Canaan, Ofanim of Trade (aka Cade)

High Concept: Ofanim of Trade
Trouble: Out of Gas
____________________ (To Be Determined)
____________________ (To Be Determined)
____________________ (To Be Determined)

Celestial Speed 1 (listed below), +1 on Overcome rolls based on movement or location (with extra boost if roll succeeds with style)

Choir Attunement
Ofanim of Trade - Know the fastest way to get anything anywhere

Dissonance Conditions
Ofanim - Being imprisoned, bound, or unable to move, even if it is of your own choice.  
Trade - Breaking your word when you have given it freely.

Great (+4): Resources
Good (+3): Blending, Drive, Shoot
Fair (+2): Athletics, Contacts, Notice, Rapport
Average (+1): Deceive, Empathy, Physique, Will

Celestial Resilience 1 - Add 1 Armor on defense roll versus corporeal attacks
Celestial Speed 1 - Gives +2 to Notice to determine turn order, move +1 zone/round, +1 with Overcome actions reliant on speed (can be combined with Resonance bonus)
Songs of Motion (Athletics) - Can fly (Corporeal), mentally control small objects - Weapon 1 ranged attack using Shoot (Ethereal), teleport anywhere in the scene (Celestial)

Holy Hood Ornament - Spend 1 Essence to change the appearance of the vehicle on which it is attached (within reason).

Refresh: 2
Current Role:  Ambulance Driver (Blending skill is Lore, specialized to Medicine)
Stress:  Physical (OOO), Mental (OOO), Essence (OOO), Dissonance (OOO)

Shem-bezek, Cherubim of Lightning (aka Shen)

High Concept: Cherubim of Lightning
Trouble: This was not in the manual!
A bit of the Old World
____________________ (To Be Determined)
____________________ (To Be Determined)

Can attune to a single charge (person or object) with a touch.  You always know the exact location of your charge (if on the corporeal plane) and condition.  With a successful Empathy roll, you can detect imminent danger to your charge, and if you succeed with style you know about the danger well before it occurs.  While attuned to a charge, you gain an extra physical and mental stress box.

Choir Attunement
Cherubim of Lightning - Automatically connect to the phone nearest to your charge.  If there's no phone nearby, spend 1 Essence to cause a cell phone to materialize for a scene, appearing next to the charge.

Dissonance Conditions
Cherubim - When your charge is damaged in any way, though the dissonance can be removed if you act quickly to fix it.
Lightning - Letting a technological secret or celestial technological device fall into the hands of a mortal without Jean's permission, letting an infernal technological innovation go unopposed.

Great (+4): Lore
Good (+3): Craft, Empathy, Shoot
Fair (+2): Deceive, Physique, Will
Average (+1): Athletics, Blending, Burglary, Drive, Fight

Celestial Resilience 1 - Add 1 Armor on defense roll versus corporeal attacks
Songs of Form - Add 1 Armor for a scene (corporeal), turn into shadow matter (ethereal), change physical characteristics of vessel (celestial)
Songs of Healing - Heal physical (corporeal), mental (ethereal), or celestial (celestial) damage.
Song of Thunder (Lore) - Single use, attacks everyone in zone (opposed by Will), failure means target gains Stunned aspect that must be Overcome.
Numinous Corpus: Acid or Lightning (uses Shoot to aim) - Weapon 1 up to one zone away for a scene, cancel for a Weapon 2 attack

Refresh: 1
Current Role:  Security Consultant
Stress:  Physical (OOO), Mental (OOO), Essence (OOOO), Dissonance (OOO)

Andromeda, Malakim of Creation (aka Andy Carpenter)

High Concept: High Malakim of Creation
Trouble:  Issues with power
Think of the children!
Though better men have tried
____________________ (To Be Determined)

Malakites can sense purity - how selfless or selfish a person is. You automatically learn the most noble and most ignoble act that the person has done recently (a week or so). You may also make a Notice or Investigation check against the target's Will. A success tells the Malakim the person's greatest virtue and worst sin, while a success with style can reveal the person's potential for divinity or malevolence. The latter does not automatically reveal demons (except for Balseraphs), but can be a strong indicator.  In addition, their unwavering determination gives them an extra stress box on the Physical, Mental, and Dissonance stress tracks.

Choir Attunement
Malakim of Eli - Can use any object as a Weapon: 1 (some objects may allow special attacks or even count as a Weapon: 2)

Dissonance Conditions
Malakim - Violating your oaths
1) Cannot choose to suffer an evil to live
2) Never surrender
3) Never allow what I consider art to be destroyed, be it a priceless masterpiece or a child's first finger painting, if it is within my power to save it
4) Never use a gun
Eli - None.  Have fun!

Great (+4): Athletics, Fight
Good (+3): Notice, Physique
Fair (+2): Crafts, Stealth, Will
Average (+1): Blending, Contacts, Empathy, Provoke, Resources

Celestial Resilience 1 - Add 1 Armor on defense roll versus corporeal attacks
Corporeal Song of Form (uses Craft) - Alter skin to gain Armor: 1 for a scene (Armor:2 on success with style), cumulative with Celestial Resilience.
Celestial Song of Motion (uses Athletics) - Teleport anywhere in the scene.  Spend a Fate Point to either bring a passenger or teleport anywhere within several miles of the current location.

Refresh: 3
Current Role:  Artist (Blending skill is Lore)
Stress:  Physical (OOOOO), Mental (OOOO), Essence (OOOO), Dissonance (OOO)

Jeanne-darc, Seraph of Fire (aka Jeanne)

High Concept: Seraph of Fire
Trouble:  Temper of a redhead
Faith burns bright
____________________ (To Be Determined)
____________________ (To Be Determined)


Choir Attunement
Seraph of Fire - Can identify by sight those that profit from the suffering of others, or lie about what monsters they really are
Ofanim of Fire - Immune to damage from heat, radiation, and electricity, can identify those who flee justice

Dissonance Conditions
Seraph - Lying
Gabriel - Not punishing the guilty every day

Great (+4): Notice
Good (+3): Fight, Lore, Rapport
Fair (+2): Athletics, Contacts, Investigate, Will
Average (+1): Blending, Contacts, Physique, Resources, Shoot

Celestial Resilience 2 - Add 2 Armor on defense roll versus corporeal attacks
Celestial Song of Harmony (uses Rapport) - Negate Discord for a scene
Celestial Song of Light (uses Notice) - fire a beam of light (Weapon: 2)

Refresh: 1
Current Role: FBI Agent (Blending skill is Stealth)
Stress:  Physical (OOO), Mental (OOO), Essence (OOOO), Dissonance (OO)

Saturday, January 25, 2014

In Nomine for Fate Core, version 2

Fate Core: In Nomine
Character Creation

[EDIT: The final version of the rules have been posted, and can be found here.]

Step 1: Character Type
Choose whether the character is mortal or celestial.

Mortals gain the following:
・    3 Refresh
・    3 Stunts - 1 Stunt can be traded for 1 Song Group or 2 Songs.  Ethereal or Celestial songs can only be bought with special GM permission.
・    Consequences - Mild, Moderate, Severe, and Extreme
・    Free Will - Recover 1 Fate Point at the end of any scene where the mortal PC spends at least 2 Fate Points.
・    Part of the Symphony - The actions of mortals do not cause disturbance in the Symphony, except when spending Stress or Fate Points to fuel a supernatural effect.
・    Intervention - Spend 2 Fate Points to call on divine (or infernal) intervention in a life-threatening situation, placing an aspect on the scene that will protect the mortal from permanent harm. 

Celestials gain the following:
・    3 Refresh
・    0 Stunts (stunts may be bought with Refresh)
・    Choir/Band (see Step 1A)
・    Superior (see Step 1B)
・    Vessel - Each celestial starts with a vessel to walk the Earth.  Their ability to perform in the vessel's role on Earth is determined by the Blending skill (see below).  A vessel does not need to eat or sleep, but still needs to breathe.  If the vessel is destroyed, the celestial is sent back to their Heart and must complete a challenge to gain a new vessel and return to Earth.  Damage on the physical stress track stays with the vessel.
・    Consequences - Mild, Moderate, and Severe.  Using the Severe consequence results in the destruction of the vessel at the end of the scene, unless the celestial is being hosted by a mortal (via the Willing Vessel or Possession extras), or has the Severe consequence removed before the scene ends.
・    Celestial Resilience - Celestials receive 1 level of Celestial Resilience (see Step 7B) for free.  In addition, they may buy other extras reflecting a physical capability above the human norm. 
・    2 Songs or 1 Song Group (see Step 7A)

Step 1A: Choir/Band
If an angel, the character must choose a choir (for angels) or band (for demons).  This becomes part of the character's High Concept, such as an Angst-Ridden Cherub of Michael.  In addition, this gives the celestial an Extra based on their choice, as well as a Dissonance condition that will cause them to accumulate Stress on their Dissonance track.

Step 1B: Superior
All celestials owe their loyalty to a Superior (Archangel or Demon Prince), and are expected to follow orders from that Superior to the letter.  In return, they begin play with a Choir Attunement - a type of extra that can only be gained in service to that particular Superior.  For Fate Core: In Nomine, it is recommended that the player create an Extra based on the Superior attunement listed for the character's Choir/Band.  For example, an Ofanim of Michael always goes first in combat.  This could be reflected as a 1 point extra that always lets the character go first in a combat exchange.  Whatever is agreed on should be used for all celestials with the same attunment - if one Ofanim of Michael has this extra, all other Ofanim of Michael should have the same extra.

Occasionally, a character will be loaned out to another Superior - this most often occurs with angels serving Eli.  In this case, the celestial gains the Choir Attunement for their original superior, but will have the option to earn the Choir Attunement for their new Superior during play.

Finally, Celestials serving a Superior gain the Superior's Dissonance condition.

Step 2:  Core Aspects
Pick the character's High Concept and Trouble, as per the normal Fate Core rules.  Celestials must include both their Choir/Band and their Superior in the High Concept.  "Angst-Ridden Cherub of Michael" is a good example of a High Concept incorporating the character's Choir and Superior.

Step 3: Name
Players of mortal characters simply need to choose a name, while the player of a celestial will need to decide on both their celestial name and what their current vessel is called in mortal society.

Step 4: Phase One

Describe your first adventure, and write down an aspect related to it.

Step 5: Phase Two and Three
Describe how you've crossed paths with two other characters, and write down one aspect related to each of those two encounters.

Step 6:  Skills

Pick and rate your skills.  In Nomine uses the base Fate Core skills, plus one additional meta-skill - Blending.  Characters have 25 skill points.  The default layout for skills is 1 Great (+4), 3 Good (+3), 4 Fair (+2), and 4 Average (+1), but any legal skill column is allowed.  Celestials (only) have access to the Blending meta-skill, which they must purchase at a minimum of +1.

Step 7:  Stunts and Extras
Pick and/or invent your starting Stunts, and spend Refresh (if desired) to buy Extras appropriate to your character type.  Songs and Attributes are two types of Extras available to characters.

Step 7A: Songs
Celestials begin play with two individual songs or one song group of their choice.  Mortals normally start play without songs, but both mortals and celestials may spend Stunts or Refresh to buy them (1 per song group or 2 individual songs from separate groups).  Unlike the base In Nomine book, learning a song group gives the character all the variations of the same song (Corporeal, Ethereal, and Celestial).  A few song groups (Possession and Thunder) are limited to a single song, and can only be bought as a group.

Each song is activated with a skill roll, based on the song being used.  Activating a song costs 1 Celestial Stress, though the character can instead take a consequence or spend a Fate Point to fuel the song.  Unless otherwise stated, each use of a song is a separate activation.  However, the effects of a song usually last for the rest of the scene, or until the effect is successful overcome.

Step 7B:  Attributes
Celestials often have capabilities beyond normal human limits.  They may spend Refresh to buy one or more special extras called attributes, which are part of the character regardless of whether or not they occupy a vessel.  Each attribute can be bought at multiple levels.  The three attributes available at character creation are Celestial Resilience (granted for free at level 1 to all celestials), Celestial Speed, and Celestial Strength.

Step 8: Refresh
Determine how many fate points you start play with.  This starts at three, but up to two points can be spent on stunts or extras, which could have a character starting with as little as one fate point.

Step 9: Stress and Consequences
Record your stress tracks and consequence levels.  There are four different stress tracks in Fate Core: In Nomine.  Each characters starts with two stress boxes in each category.  The skill related to that track grants additional boxes as normal - one extra for Average (+1) or Fair (+2), or two extra for Good (+3) or higher.  At Superb (+5), and for every two points afterwards, the character also gains an additional mild consequence slot (restricted to harm for that stress track).

Corporeal (Physical) Track - Tracks physical stress, based on Physique.

Ethereal (Mental) Track - Tracks mental stress, based on Will.

Celestial Track - Tracks stress from celestial powers and celestial combat, based on Empathy.  Unlike the standard tracks, stress taken does not clear at the end of a combat.  Characters can remove a single stress box every day - at dawn for angels and mortals, or at dusk for demons.  Performing a Superior's rite is another way to remove a single stress box.  Finally, a character can spend a Fate point and skip a scene to clear the entire stress track.

Dissonance Track (Celestials only) - Tracks stress from dissonance, based on Deceit.  Unlike the standard tracks, stress taken does not clear at the end of a conflict.  The character can remove a single stress box from the Dissonance track by spending time maintaining a Tether (pg 59 IM), spending a Fate Point at the beginning of an adventure (signifying some major act done between adventures to reaffirm the character's ties to Heaven/Hell), or wiping the entire track free in exchange for gaining a Discord aspect, which can be invoked against the character when using celestial powers.  The Discord aspect can only be removed by an Archangel, Demon Prince, or similar major power.

The Ultimate Consequence -
If an angelic character is taken out via the Dissonance track, they become Outcast, losing access to their Superior's Rites and rituals, and cannot ascend to Heaven.  This clears the stress boxes of the Dissonance track, though that is small comfort to the angel. If an already-Outcast angel is taken out a second time via the Dissonance track, the Dissonance is cleared and the angel Falls, becoming a demon of the
corresponding  Band.  Demons have a similar progression, becoming Outcast if they are taken out.  However, being taken out a second time does not cause them to be Redeemed - that is a much harder road.


If an angel, the character must choose a choir (for angels) or band (for demons).  This becomes part of the character's High Concept, such as an Angst-Ridden Cherub of Michael.  In addition, this gives the celestial an Extra based on their choice, as well as a Dissonance condition that will cause them to accumulate Stress on their Dissonance track.

・    Extra: Arbiter of Truth – Seraphs can find the truth in any statement. They can utilize either Empathy or Notice to defend against Deceive or otherwise detect lies in any form of communication, with a +2 on their roll. If the Seraph succeeds with style and gets at least Fantastic (+6) on the roll, not only do they uncover any lie made by the speaker, but they learn the actual Truth...even if the speaker does not know what it is!  In addition, their Celestial stress track is based on the higher of their Empathy or Notice.
・    Dissonance – Seraphs gain dissonance for lying. Even the most simple lie will cause a minimum of 1 Stress.

・    Extra: Divine Guardian – The Cherub can attune to a charge with a touch. Once that occurs, they always know the exact location (if on the corporeal plane) and condition of that charge. With a successful Empathy roll, they can detect imminent danger to their charge. If they succeed with style, they know about the danger well before it appears.  When attuned to a charge, the Cherub gains an extra box on their physical and mental stress tracks.
・    Dissonance – Cherubs gain dissonance when their charge is damaged in any way, though the stress from that damage can disappear if the Cherub acts quickly to fix it.

・    Extra: Messenger of Heaven – An Ofanite has exceptional movement capabilities, gaining 1 level of Celestial Speed for free.  In addition, the character instinctively bypasses obstacles and finds the fastest path to any destination, gaining a +1 to all Overcome rolls based on movement or location.  Finally, if the Ofanite successes with style on any movement-based check, the character gains an additional boost, story detail, or similar benefit
・    Dissonance – Ofanites are compelled to move, constantly acting and going forward. They gain dissonance whenever they are imprisoned, bound, or otherwise unable to move...even if it is of their own choice. For example, if a person is held hostage and the Ofanite is told to stand still or the hostage will be killed, the conscious choice to stand still and not act will inflict dissonance.

・    Extra: Observer of Emotion – Elohites have an innate understanding of the human (and celestial) condition. They may use either Empathy or Investigate to read a person's emotional state and get a sense of who they are, even without interpersonal contact. If they are interacting with the person, they gain a +2 on their roll. If the Elohite succeeds with style and gets at least Fantastic (+6) on the roll, they may ask the gamemaster how the person would respond at that moment to any one action.  This creates a temporary aspect ("I Know What You're Going To Do") with a free invocation for the Elohite.
・    Dissonance – Elohites must remain objective, and not be overwhelmed by emotion. Whenever they act due to subjective reasons, they gain dissonance.

・    Extra: Judge of Purity – Malakites can sense purity - how selfless or selfish a person is. They automatically learn the most noble and most ignoble act that the person has done recently (a week or so). They may also make a Notice or Investigation check against the target's Will. A success tells the Malakim the person's greatest virtue and worst sin, while a success with style can reveal the person's potential for divinity or malevolence. The latter does not automatically reveal demons (except for Balseraphs), but can be a strong indicator.  In addition, their unwavering determination gives them an extra stress box on every stress track (including the Dissonance track).
・    Dissonance – Malakim gain dissonance for violating their code of honor. All Malakim have two sworn oaths - “cannot choose to suffer an evil to live” and “never surrender”. In addition, they must follow any oath implied in their Aspects. Violating any of these oaths causes dissonance. It should be noted that “never suffer an evil to live” does not mean killing demons on sight – see the In Nomine Angelic Player's Guide (page 49) for more details on Malakim oaths. Unlike other angels, Malakim cannot Fall from Dissonance, but being Taken Out usually means the character is hunted down and killed by others of his choir.

・    Extra: Shepherd of the Multitude – Kyriotates automatically gain the Possession and Dual Vessels Extras, but do not have a vessel by default – they must use Possession or take the Extra: Willing Vessel to act in the corporeal realm.  Kyriotates and Shedim are the only celestials that gain access to Possession, and Kyriotates are the only celestials that have access to Dual Vessel. Individuals possessed by a Kyriotate do not remember anything that occurs during that time, and the Kyriotate does not have access to the subject's memories.  The character can use the Blending skill to mimic a skill possessed by the target (as normal for a vessel), but the Kyriotate only chooses one skill regardless of the number of vessels occupied.  The Understanding of Humanity stunt (see Step 7) is popular among Kyriotates for this reason.
・    Dissonance – Kyriotates take a minimum of 1 Stress for leaving a vessel in worse condition (physically or mentally) than when they entered it. The death of a vessel is extremely traumatic, causing 4 Stress on their Dissonance track for human vessels, or 2 Stress for animal vessels.

・    Extra: Friend of Humanity – Mercurians have an instinctive understanding of relationships and social hierarchy. They gain a +1 on all rolls dealing with social interaction, including most uses of Contacts, Deceive, Empathy, Provoke, and Rapport. If the Mercurian succeeds with style and gets at least Supurb (+5) on an Empathy roll, they learn the name most people call that person, geographic and cultural origins, items of interest (job, hobbies, etc), and the primary relationships in that person's life.
・    Dissonance – Mercurians gain Dissonance for being violent towards humans.

・    Extra: The Serpent's Tongue – Balseraphs can construct lies that are so convincing that they can only be disproved by hard reality. They gain +2 on all Deceit rolls. In addition, if they succeed with style and get at least a Fantastic (+6) result, nothing short of hard evidence will convince the target that the statement is a lie.
・    Dissonance – If the Balseraph is caught in a lie, they gain dissonance. However, they can only gain 1 Stress from each person that catches them in a lie (until that point of Stress is removed from their Dissonance track). Being caught in a lie by several people at once can quickly inflict consequences.

・    Extra: Infernal Stalker – The Djinn can attune to a charge with a touch – which can be a person, an object, or even a place. Once that occurs, they always know the exact location (if on the corporeal plane) and condition of that charge. With a successful Empathy roll, they can detect imminent danger to their charge. If they succeed with style, they know about the danger well before it appears.  When attuned to a charge, the Djinn gains an additional physical and mental stress box.
・    Dissonance – Djinn gain dissonance when they damage their charge in any way...unless their charge willingly consented to the damage. In addition, their band Aspect can be compelled to form an unnatural fixation on a charge. If the Djinn accepts the compel, their dissonance condition changes to match that of a Cherub (which can cause the Djinn great difficulty). The Djinn then cannot change the charge during the rest of the adventure unless a Fate point is spent.

・    Extra: Destructive Nature – The destructive energies of a Calabite act as a Weapon: 1 attack that can reach into an adjacent zone, or Weapon: 2 with touch. In addition, they gain a +2 to overcome obstacles via destructive means. However, one of their Aspects must reflect their discordant nature – see the In Nomine core rulebook for examples of Discord.
・    Dissonance – Failure to inflict stress or consequences with their destructive energies causes dissonance. If an attack fails, the Calabite has three options. They can either take 1 Stress on their Dissonance track, take 1 Stress on their Physical track, or gain the Aspect “Destroy something!”, which compels them to lash out at other targets until they deal damage.

・    Extra: Infernal Punisher – Habbalites have an innate understanding of emotion similar to the Elohim, which gives them a +2 on Empathy rolls when interacting with a target. In addition, they can use a maneuver to place emotions on a target up to one zone away with +2 to the roll (using Intimidation for Fear and Disgust, or Deceit for Sadness, Love, or Emptiness.  However, if the target successfully resists, the Habbalite will suffer the effects or take Dissonance.
・    Dissonance – If the Incite Emotion power fails and the Habbalah doesn't wish to suffer the effects, they must take a point of Stress on their Dissonance track.

・    Extra: Geas – Lilim can create an Aspect on a target by performing a service for them. This aspect is a geas to assist the Lilim in the future, usually worded as “I Owe Her A Favor”. If the target agrees to the service, no roll is required. Otherwise, the Lilim must roll Rapport versus the target's Will to create the aspect, and this can be modified by the amount of service the Lilim has given the target. Once created, the Lilim gets a free invoke on the Aspect to compel the target. In addition, the Lilim can use this power on herself, which can be compelled by another to force her to honor a pledge (and this compel cannot be resisted).
・    Dissonance – If an involuntary geas is resisted by the target, the Lilim gains dissonance.

・    Extra: Corrupting Spirit – Shedim automatically gain the Possession Extra, but it only applies to humans. Kyriotates and Shedim are the only celestials that gain access to Possession. In addition, unlike a Kyriotate's possession, the target is still aware, though they are likely to dismiss the actions taken as a dream or symptom of mental illness. This gives the Shedim the Understanding of Humanity Extra, allowing them to duplicate two of the subject's skills instead of one.  Shedim must be very careful when acting inside a possessed individual, as they may compromise the person's achievement of their Fate, rendering it invalid and likely drawing the wrath of their Superior.
・    Dissonance – Every day, the Shedim must further corrupt the host, influencing the mortal to commit a selfish or evil act. This is done with social skills – the Shedim cannot meet this condition by forcing the target to act. These acts must be progressively worse each day. Also, if a possessed vessel dies, the Shedim automatically takes 4 Stress on the Dissonance Track.

・    Extra: Soul Siphon – Impudites are very dangerous, as they can tap the raw potential of a mortal's soul. They begin by establishing a connection to their target via Rapport, and gain +2 on all Rapport checks. If they succeed with style and gain at least a Fantastic (+6) on their roll, they can steal a Fate point from their target. No more than one Fate point can be stolen from a specific target during a single game session, and the Impudite can only hold a number of stolen Fate points equal to their starting Refresh. For example, an Impudite with a Refresh of 2 can have any number of normal Fate points, but only two of them can be stolen from mortals.
・    Dissonance – Like Mercurians, Impudites gain Dissonance for being violent towards humans.

All celestials owe their loyalty to a Superior (Archangel or Demon Prince), and are expected to follow orders from that Superior to the letter.  In return, they begin play with an Attunement - a type of extra that can only be gained in service to that particular Superior.  For Fate Core: In Nomine, it is recommended that the player create an Extra based on the Superior attunement listed for the character's Choir/Band.  For example, an Ofanim of Michael always goes first in combat.  This could be reflected as a 1 point extra that always lets the character go first in a combat exchange.  Whatever is agreed on should be used for all celestials with the same attunment - if one Ofanim of Michael has this extra, all other Ofanim of Michael should have the same extra.

Celestials in service to a Superior must include the Superior in their High Concept.  "Angst-Ridden Cherub of Michael" is a good example of a High Concept incorporating the Superior (and the character's Choir).

Finally, Celestials serving a Superior gain the Superior's Dissonance condition, as listed below:
・    Blandine – Assuming Celestial form on Earth, or failing to warn a dreamer they have been charged with guarding when they are aware of danger.
・    David – Being provoked into attacking first, or using ranged weapons
・    Dominic – Inflicting a punishment greater than the crime, standing by while the innocent are punished unfairly, overlooking what they feel is heresy in an angel.
・    Eli – Nothing. Have fun! Even if in service to another Archangel, servitors of Eli do not acquire that Archangel's dissonance condition.  However, Eli has burned many bridges with his fellow Archangels, and servitors of Eli are often met with distrust (especially by servitors of Dominic)...
・    Gabriel – Failing to punish a wicked individual within a number of days equal to the angel's Refresh.
・    Janus – Staying in the same locale (the size of a town or a city neighborhood) more than three days.
・    Jean – Let a technological secret or celestial technological device fall into the hands of a mortal without Jean's approval, letting a infernal technological innovation go unopposed.
・    Jordi – Valuing human life above animal life.
・    Laurence – Disobeying either the word or the spirit of Lawrence's orders.
・    Marc – Breaking your word when you have given it freely.
・    Michael – Retreating from combat without a direct order.
・    Novalis – Committing violence that is not absolutely necessary, and killing any human (no matter the reason).
・    Yves – Taking any action that moves a person towards their Fate.
・    Andrealphus – Feel actual sympathy towards a human.
・    Asmodeus – Disobeying Asmodeus' direct orders, or helping a renegade escape judgment.
・    Baal – Retreating from combat without a direct order.
・    Beleth – Assuming Celestial form on Earth.
・    Belial – Being burned by a fire you created (literally or metaphorically).
・    Haagenti – Failure to force a human to Consume within a number of days equal to the demon's Refresh. Note – Consume is the attunement all Haagenti servitors receive, and is a specialized form of Emotion Control that compels the target to wastefully consume the object of their desire.
・    Kobal – Failure to worsen someone's misfortune every day via laughter.
・    Kronos – Knowingly helping a human achieve their destiny or preventing a human from meeting their fate.
・    Malphas – Failure to create division between two people every day.
・    Nybbas – Failure to spend at least one hour per day contributing to the growth of the world's media.
・    Saminga – Encouraging life.
・    Valefor – Staying in the same locale (the size of a town or a city neighborhood) more than three days.
・    Vapula – Allowing an infernal technological artifact granted by Vapula (including the one granted by the demon's Band attunement) to fall into angelic or mortal hands.

For more details on Dissonance conditions, refer to the In Nomine core rulebook.

The available skills for In Nomine: Fate Core are listed below:
・    Athletics
・    Blending (special) - See below
・    Burglary
・    Contacts
・    Crafts
・    Deceive - Determines dissonance stress track
・    Drive
・    Empathy - Determines celestial stress track
・    Fight
・    Investigate
・    Lore
・    Notice
・    Physique - Determines physical stress track
・    Provoke
・    Rapport
・    Resources
・    Shoot
・    Stealth
・    Will - Determines mental stress track

Blending (Meta-Skill)
Celestials gain access to a meta-skill called Blending, which is purchased as part of the character's skill tree (and must be purchased at a minimum of +1). The character can substitute the Blending meta-skill for one skill (chosen when the vessel is created) that is relevant to the character's role in mortal society. For example, a vessel that has a background as a race-car driver could use the Blending skill to substitute for Drive.  See the Stunts and Extra section (Step 7) for Blending stunts.

Kyriotates are a special case.  When possessing a mortal creature (human or animal), their Blending automatically duplicates the highest skill possessed by the creature.  This cannot exceed the level of Blending possessed by the character, and can be lower if the creature's skill is lower than the Kyriotate's Blending.  Each vessel possessed is treated separately for purposes of Blending, but the Kyriotate cannot use the skill for a different vessel.

Stunts and Extras
Blending Stunts
・    Understanding of Humanity - The Blending skill can now duplicate two skills instead of one. The second skill is one rank lower than the first. For example, a vessel with a background as a Private Investigator for a character who has Blending (+3) could duplicate Investigate (+3) and Notice (+2). This stunt can be bought more than once, giving an additional skill each time...but each skill is a point lower than the previous one.
・    Split Attention - If the character has the Extra: Spare Vessel, they may draw upon that vessel's background to choose skills for Blending, even if they aren't currently occupying that vessel.  Kyriotates may utilize the Blending skill granted by one vessel in any or all of their other vessels, though they take a -1 penalty when doing so.

Celestial Extras
・    Extra: Spare Vessel – The celestial has a spare vessel ready for use. Once per adventure, the character can return from their point of origin (Heaven or Hell) without going through a challenge. This is fairly quick, allowing the character to be back on Earth in the next Scene.
・    Extra: Willing Vessel – A mortal has willingly offered to host the celestial. This is a body that already has a soul. This allows the character to take a Serious consequence without making the vessel unviable. In combination with Extra: Spare Vessel, the character can keep the vessel involved with mortal life while they are in a different vessel. However, the character is expected to treat the vessel well, as it is one of the faithful that is loyal to their side of the Struggle. When the celestial is not occuping this vessel, assume the mortal has skill equal to the celestial's Blending skill for their primary skill (the one chosen for their background), and the celestial's Blending skill minus one for all other skills.
・    Extra: Possession (Kyriotates and Shedim only) – The character can possess an unwilling mortal to use as a vessel via a Will versus Will conflict. For this to occur, the mortal must have opened themselves up to possession, either through an unwise bargain made with the celestial, or by activately engaging in a virtue or vice that matches the celestial's aspect. Once the mortal is possessed, they can only escape by invoking an aspect and spending a fate point, or by the celestial's departure (by choice, exorcism, etc).  Physical stress accumulated while in a target stays with the target when the celestial departs.
・    Extra: Dual Vessel (Kyriotates only) – The character can occupy two vessels at once, no matter the distance between them. Both vessels can be active at once, but the Kyriotate takes a -1 on all skill rolls for each creature after the first involved in a challenge, contest, or conflict.  This Extra can be taken more than once, adding an extra vessel each time.  Animals are easier for Kyriotates to occupy than humans, and only count as half a vessel for purposes of how many total vessels the Kyriotate can occupy.

Celestial Resilience
・    All celestials start with 1 level of Celestial Resilience
・    The celestial gains Armor equal to the level of Celestial Resilience on any defense roll against physical attacks.
・    Some special weapons can bypass the protection of Celestial Resilience

Celestial Speed
・    Each level gives +2 to your Notice to determine turn order (pg 158 FC).
・    Odd - Each odd level allows you to move one additional zone in addition to your action for the exchange, and +1 with any overcome action reliant on speed.
・    Even - Each even level gives +1 on all defense rolls with Athletics.

Celestial Strength
・    Each level grants +1 on most "raw strength" applications of Physique, and adds +1 to the Weapon value of Fight attacks.

Attraction (Empathy)
・    Corporeal - Attune two objects so they are drawn to each other.
・    Ethereal - Place the aspect "attracted to [person or object]" on a target, which is resisted by Will.
・    Celestial - Mimic the resonance of the Cherubim and Djinn, attuning to a target for a scene.  This never causes the performance to generate dissonance.

Dreams (Deceive)
・    Corporeal - Enter the Marches through the mind of a human dreamer.
・    Ethereal - Grant scene aspect to assist a dreamer.
・    Celestial - Alter occurrences in a dreamscape to change the outcome.

Entropy (Provoke)
・    Corporeal - Alter the age of a target by up to 5 years, or 10 years if the character succeeds with style.  The target can choose to resist with a Physique roll.  The song's effects are permanent, but each use is a separate activation
・    Ethereal - This song is a Weapon: 2 attack versus the mental stress track.  One use per activation.
・    Celestial - This song causes a mental breakdown, functioning as a Block versus all actions that must be Overcome with Will.

Form (Craft)
・    Corporeal - The character can alter the skin of his vessel, granting Armor: 1 for the scene, or Armor: 2 if he succeeds with style.  This is in addition to the Armor from Celestial Resilience.
・    Ethereal - The character can turn his corporeal form into shadow matter, providing near-invisibility.  Detecting the character requires observers to contest the song with a Notice roll.
・    Celestial - The character can make permanent changes to a vessel's appearance, gender, age, and/or mass.

Harmony (Rapport)
・    Corporeal - All within range (including the performer) must take an Overcome action with Physique to perform significant physical actions (running, combat, etc)
・    Ethereal - All within range become subdued and rational, and must take an Overcome action with Will to perform violent acts.
・    Celestial - One or more targets in contact with the performer has the effects of Discord negated for a scene.

Healing (Empathy)
・    Corporeal - The character can remove physical stress on the target.  The amount of stress removed is based on the level of stress box used to fuel this power - marking off box 4 on the character's Celestial Track will remove boxes 1-4 on the target's Physical Track.  If the roll succeeds with style, increase the number of boxes removed by 2.  If a consequence or Fate Point is used to fuel this power, one consequence on the target is reduced by one level (Severe --> Moderate --> Mild --> nothing).  This power can be used on the performer. 
・    Ethereal - As Corporeal Healing, but applies to mental stress.
・    Celestial - As Corporeal Healing, but applies to celestial stress.

Light (Notice)
・    Corporeal - Creates a glowing light around the character.
・    Ethereal - Create visual illusions in a zone.
・    Celestial - Create a single beam of light that functions as a Weapon: 2 physical attack.  If the attack succeeds with style, the target also gains the temporary aspect "Dazzled".  Targets in celestial form take damage to their Celestial Track instead, but cannot be dazzled.

Motion (Athletics)
・    Corporeal - The character can fly and automatically overcome certain obstacles.  This has the potential to create large amounts of disturbance
・    Ethereal - The character can mentally control the movement of small objects.  Succeeding with style allows medium-sized objects to be manipulated.  Throwing objects at targets requires a Shoot roll, and functions as a Weapon:1 (if small) or Weapon: 2 (if medium).  Objects held by others can resist the effects with Physique
・    Celestial - The character can teleport himself anywhere in the scene, or spend a Fate Point to either bring a passenger or teleport anywhere within several miles of the current location.

Numinous Corpus (special) - The character can enhance the vessel's ability to defend itself.  Choosing two Numinous Corpus counts as a single song choice (or the character can choose one Numinous Corpus and one version of another song if the gamemaster allows).  However, the song automatically works and lasts for the entire scene - the Fate dice are only rolled to determine an Intervention.
・    Acid - The character can spit acid, counting as a Weapon: 1 attack that can reach to an adjacent zone.  A character can cancel the song to make a single Weapon: 2 attack.
・    Claws/Fangs/Horns/Feet - The character grows claws, fangs, horns, and/or hooved feet, counting as a Weapon: 2 attack.  Some uses of this song may allow for surprise attacks or special maneuvers.
・    Tail - The character grows a tail, counting as either a Weapon: 2 attack or a Weapon: 1 attack that can reach to an adjacent zone.  The character must choose which type of tail is grown when the song is activated.
・    Tongue - The character creates a tongue that can count as a Weapon: 1 attack, or enable the character to damage the mental stress track instead of the physical stress track on a successful hit.
・    Wings - The character grows wings, allowing the character to fly and automatically overcome certain obstacles.  This has the potential to create large amounts of disturbance if many mortals witness the character's flight.

Possession (Will) - This song grants a single use of the Possession extra.  If successful, the character's current body or vessel goes inert, and the character's consciousness possesses the target.  This lasts for a single scene, but the character can take additional Celestial stress to continue the possession through multiple scenes.  While possessing a target, the character is affected normally by mental or social stress and consequences.  However, physical stress and consequences are inflicted on the target.  When the character stops possessing the target, any physical stress (but not consequences) gained during the possession is inflicted on the character as mental stress.

Shields (Stealth)
・    Corporeal - Create a physical barrier around the character that blocks physical attacks.
・    Ethereal - Create a green field of energy around the character that blocks celestial attunements, resonances, and non-physical attacks.
・    Celestial -  Enhance a previously-existing environmental condition (smoke, darkness, etc) in an area to create a barrier to observation.  This barrier also holds in disturbances to the Symphony, delaying them until the end of the scene.

Thunder (Lore) - This is an attack against all other individuals in the same zone, resisted by Will.  Failure restraints the target with the Stunned aspect, which will require an Overcome roll to remove.  If the character spends a Fate Point to activate this power, all adjacant zones are also affected.  When this power is used, the level of any disturbance is reduced by the result of this power's skill check.

Tongues (Lore)
・    Corporeal - Communicate in all human languages (spoken and written).
・    Ethereal - Mentally communicate with anyone in the same or adjacent zones.
・    Celestial - Send a brief message (up to 15 words) to anyone the character has met.  Cherubim and Djinn may use this song on anyone they are attuned to without spending Stress.